2012年9月5日 星期三

Hockey Sticks - Composite or Wood?

Cheap NHL Jersey China, Composite hockey sticks are usually made from graphite or carbon fiber. These materials are very light, but are also extremely expensive. The advantage to a composite stick is the high velocity at which you can take a shot. The more speed one can shoot the puck with, the faster Cheap NHL Jersey China it will go, and the more likely you will score. However, these composite sticks can be hundreds of dollars and since they are made from one piece, a broken or worn blade would require you to replace your entire stick.

The other drawback to a composite stick is that most are not fit for inline hockey. While most composite blades are great on the ice, they tend to wear down very quickly on inline hockey surfaces. As soon as the graphite shell of the blade wears down, a foam core is exposed which will break down in a matter of hours. I have gone through several composite blades in a single season of playing inline hockey on a cement surface.

The other option available are wooden sticks. Wooden sticks can be as cheap as twenty dollars, but they are also very heavy and are easier to break. I have Cheap NHL Jersey China broken up to two wooden hockey sticks in a single period! The economic cost is obviously high regardless of whether you choose a wooden or composite stick.

Fear not, I have found a solution for my hockey stick woes. I buy a good quality composite stick and replace the blade! How is this possible? It is much easier than you may think. Step one is to saw the blade off of your composite stick. Then, tape up the sawed off end as if it were your handle. Next, attach your replacement blade (which ever type you prefer) to the old handle end of your stick. Most composite sticks have an end cap that can be easily removed. Simply insert your new blade with a few dabs of glue and heat it up until it sets. Allow your stick to dry for a few hours Cheap NHL Jersey China and you have a brand new (and longer) hockey stick!

Using this method you will save money and the hassle of buying a new stick every month. Since blades are much cheaper than buying entire sticks, you will have plenty of extra cash for that new jersey or helmet!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5425911

